Loan Rates

New Auto Loans

Loan Type APR*
36 months under $20,000.00 6.50% - 16.50%***
48 months under $20,000.00 6.50% - 16.50%***
60 months under $20,000.00 6.50% - 16.50%***
72 months over $20,000.00 6.50% - 16.50%***
84 months over $25,000.00 7.50% - 16.50%***

Used Auto Loans

Loan Type (Within 1-5 Years Off Current New Auto Year Model) APR*
36 months under $15,000.00 5.50% - 18.50%3
48 months under $15,000.00 6.50% - 18.50%3
60 months over $15,000.00 6.50% - 18.50%3
72 months over $20,000.00 6.50% - 18.50%3
84 months over $25,000.00 (2011 & above) 7.50% - 18.50%3
Loan Type (Over 5 Years Off Current New Auto Year Model) APR*
36 months under $15,000.00 8.50% - 18.00%3
48 months under $15,000.00 8.50% - 18.00%3

Recreational Vehicles

Loan Type APR*
New Recreational Vehicles (ATVs, Motorcycles, Tractors, etc.) 7.00% - 15.50%3
Used Recreational Vehicles (ATVs, Motorcycles, Tractors, etc.) 8.00% - 17.50%3

Other Loans

Loan Type APR*
Personal Loans 10.50% - 18.00%3
Share Secured1 2.00% above current dividend rate2
Share Certificate Secured Loans 2.00% above certifice rate pledged2

GPVFCU NMLS # 544207
Paige Masters NMLS # 1744896

1Share Secured Advances: The ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE (APR) for the Share Secured advances will be 2.00% above the dividend rate being paid on the date of the advance. When the dividend rate paid on a Share Secured advance changes, the APR will change. Any increase in the APR will result in more payments of the same amount. The present APR and Daily Periodic Rate will be disclosed on the Funds Advance Voucher accompanying the advance.
2Certificate Secured Advances: The ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE (APR) for the Certificate Secured advances will be 2.00% above the dividend rate being paid on the date of the advance. Certificates offered as security must be renewed until the advance is completely paid. When the dividend rate paid on a certificate account changes, the loan Annual Percentage Rate will change. Failure to renew the certificate will result in default. Any increase in the APR will result in more payments of the same amount. The present APR and Daily Periodic Rate will be disclosed on the Funds Advance Voucher accompanying the advance.
3All rates listed are the best possible rates available. All rates are based on credit qualifications with the exception of Certificate and Share secured rates. Rates are subject to change without notice.
***Checking Account allows 0.25% deduction
***Payroll Loan Payment allows 0.25% deduction
For more detailed information on our loan rates, please call a loan officer at Georgia Power Valdosta Federal Credit Union.